
Showing posts from September, 2018

From Glasgow to Iona

WHAT BENNIE'S BEEN DOING: Week 3 (Glasgow & Iona) NOTE: This post was written on September 16, 2018 but not published until Bluegrass Brigid was created September 25, 2018 I arrived in Glasgow Thursday, September 13, around 8:00 am Glasgow time, but that would be 3:00 am EDT!  Since I had to stay awake, first I enjoyed a traditional Scottish breakfast: Traditional Scottish Breakfast! Menu Description of Traditional Scottish Breakfast: Fried Egg, bacon, sausage, black pudding, baked beans, potato scone, grilled tomato, toast And, I saw my first double decker bus! Half expected Stan Shunpike of Harry Potter fame to welcome me aboard… but that was likely delirium from lack of sleep…. Double Decker buses everywhere in Scotland! Speaking of sleep… ZZZZZZZZZ…. ***SLEEP & TRAVEL TO IONA*** After much needed sleep and getting my bearings, I am now ready to reflect on the journey from Louisville... to Glasgow... to Iona. “I am sending upon you wha

Loretto, Louisville & Why I Shaved My Head!

WHAT BENNIE'S BEEN DOING, Weeks 2-3 (Loretto & Louisville) NOTE: This post was written September 11, 2018 but not published until Bluegrass Brigid was created on September 25. The "Soul Food Recipes for Renewal"  this last week and a half have been many and varied! 1) “OIL FOR MY LAMP”  Last weekend, I spent time meditating at Sacred Space ( ) The scripture was the parable of the 10 bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-13). And, all I could think was: "What could be more appropriate as I begin packing and preparing for the next 40 days?!"    You may remember the wise bridesmaids have enough oil to keep their lamps trimmed and burning, but, the foolish run out because they didn’t pack extra oil. So, I began the process of “packing smart,” all the while hearing in my mind that old camp song “Give Me Oil for My Lamp, Keep it Burning, Burning, Burning!”  That said, it’s also true that those wise bridesmaids didn’t have to deal w

Gratitude & Rest

WHAT BENNIE'S BEEN DOING: Week 1 NOTE: This Post was written August 29, 2018 but not published until I created Bluegrass Brigid on September 25, 2018 Since the theme of this sabbatical is “Recipes for Renewal at the Thresholds of Life & Ministry” here is the “soul food” on the menu this week for me and David (and Jack!) 1) GRATITUDE... "Thank You" hardly seems adequate to express the depth of gratitude in my heart for each of you individually and all of you collectively as my church family. I just felt so much love on Sunday… so much blessing! And, I regret not saying so at the luncheon. As you will read shortly when you get to my next recipe, “Rest”… unfortunately, I just reached a point of exhaustion after worship and failed to say any of the things I had planned to say at lunch. That is why it is so important that I say to you now how grateful I am… not only for the beautiful and delicious luncheon, but especially for this gift of Sabbath Rest. T