Lexington to Denver

WHAT BENNIE'S BEEN DOING WEEKS 8-9 (Lexington to Denver)

So, before I continue catching you up on what I was doing the rest of weeks 5-7 during the European portion of this sabbatical journey, I thought it might be good to communicate in real time for a moment and let you know where I am right now!

I arrived in Denver yesterday evening, October 26, so I can attend worship Sunday at the Lutheran Church founded by Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber I have told you so much about, House for All Sinners & Saints.  The place I am staying here in Denver is within walking distance of the church... and, it has beautiful views of downtown and the mountains!

Rooftop View
I can't tell you much about Denver or the church yet since I just got here, but I can tell you it feels great to have time to just read and rest a while!

Standing on the rooftop porch where I am catching up 
on all the reading I haven't had time to do yet!!!
Also, just to catch you up between now and my return to Kentucky at the end of week 7... When David and I got home from Rome, I came down with a mild cold which lasted about a week.  So, I didn't do anything but laundry and organize my pictures during that time.  It was also much needed recovery time from all the walking and climbing over the last month.  Thankfully,  David gave me a foot spa for my birthday and the timing couldn't have been better!

Birthday Foot Spa :)

I also enjoyed quality time with David and Jack... just "being" and not having to "do" anything or "go" anywhere :)

Jack enjoying foot time with mama ;)


Of course, it wasn't long before I had to pack my bags to come to Denver. But, now that I am here, I am looking forward to some down time to read, write, and enjoy the Colorado sky in between my outings with the folks from House.