Denver Scrapbook - Hiking & Mexican Food!

WHAT BENNIE'S BEEN DOING, WEEKS 9-10: Denver Hiking & Mexican Food!

On Monday, morning, October 29, I went hiking with a group from House for All Sinners & Saints (HFASS). They picked me up at 6:30 am... yikes!  I wasn't thrilled about that - you know how I hate mornings. But, now I can see why some folks like them... because being up that early, God treated me to an absolutely gorgeous sunrise :)

Then, we hiked at Mount Falcon Park near Morrison, Colorado... in the foothills of the Rockies.

Monday HFASS Hiking Group

1914 Cornerstone for a U.S. President's "Summer White House,"
dream child of John Brisben Walker that never materialized,
but did provide the land that is now Mount Falcon Park

View from the Top!

Then, on Thursday, November 1, I went hiking with a new friend I met during the Iona Pilgrimage.  How cool is it that someone on my pilgrimage would be from Denver?!  Kind of like a God-thing don't you think?!? And, another divine gift: there was still snow on the ground from a snowfall that happened before I arrived in Denver :)

Ready to hike Mount Galbraith Loop


Atop Mount Galbraith

On Friday, November 2, I went hiking with the HFASS group again to pick up a few folks who couldn't go on Monday :)  We hiked 10 miles to the top of Bergen Peak (9701 Feet!) It was another early morning with a 6:00 am departure time, but it was definitely worth it... lots and lots of snow!

6:30 am...Trying to get excited about hiking Bergen Peak

Sunrise in Evergreen near Bergen Peak

Friday HFASS Hiking Group 

Lots o' SNOW!

Atop Bergen Peak at 9701 feet!

Finally, another great Denver experience for me was the delicious Mexican food - YEA!!!!

Mile High Mary's Green Chile Burger!

The Moses Pizza: Pepperoni, Jalapeno, Basil, & Pesto Marinara

Green Chile Tamales!

Huevos Rancheros with Green Chile Sauce - Yum!

In between all the Holy Rolling, Hiking and Mexican Food, I did find time to read two Enneagram books to prepare for our spiritual retreat at Ghost Ranch. I also re-read some of Nadia's book, Pastrix, now that I have a frame of reference for some of the folks and places she mentions.  And, on Thursday evening I had the opportunity to join a HFASS group for dinner and contemplative sharing on Sunday's gospel text.  Super folks! Great time.

I promise to get back to Paris after I get settled in Santa Fe.  For now, I need to pack my bag.... so, Adios friends and thank you again for this wonderful, wonderful sabbatical journey!