Ghost Ranch, Friday/Saturday

WHAT BENNIE'S BEEN DOING: Week 11 (New Mexico)

New Mexico, Part 2A: Ghost Ranch, Friday/Saturday

Because there are so many gorgeous pictures of our hikes at Ghost Ranch, I am putting them in two separate posts: Friday/Saturday and Sunday/Monday.  

My Favorite Picture of Ghost Ranch Landscape taken from near the top of Kitchen Mesa Trail

So, with our lodging accommodations finally worked out, David and I returned to Ghost Ranch Friday, Nov. 9 for our spiritual retreat...

View of Ghost Ranch from Chimney Rock Trail

After getting settled into our new digs "Casa del Arroyo," we ate lunch and met with our spiritual director for a couple of hours. Being in a "thin place" like Ghost Ranch where the veil between heaven and earth is virtually transparent, David and I both discovered new perspectives on the thresholds in our lives and ministries.  (More about that when I return...)

Then, we headed back to the hiking trails for a bit before the sun went down.

Matrimonial Mesa Trail Friday Afternoon

Look for Chimney Rock on far left Horizon

Matrimonial Mesa Trail Friday Afternoon

Evening Shadows Matrimonial Mesa Trail Friday Afternoon

Thin Place in Evening Light
Matrimonial Mesa Trail Friday Afternoon

A "Twin Pines" Pine Tree!

Sunset at Ghost Ranch Friday Evening

 On Saturday, we discovered a second trail head for the Matrimonial Mesa trail near our Casa del Arroyo and hiked it in the opposite direction from the day before.

First Challenge: Cross the Icy Arroyo
Not wide, but slippery!
Very Icy Arroyo!!!

Matrimonial Mesa Trail Saturday Morning

Matrimonial Mesa Trail Saturday Morning

I know I'm short, but seriously... this is a BIG Rock!

Another Big Rock - Really BIG!!!

Life in the Desert!

Matrimonial Mesa Trail  Rest Stop Saturday Morning

Hiking a Narrow Ridge on
Matrimonial Mesa Trail Saturday Morning

After our hike, we headed into nearby Abiquiu for lunch and took these roadside pics along the way...

Cliffs of Abiquiu, NM

Cliffs of Abiquiu, NM
In the afternoon, we decided to try a new trail: Box Canyon.

Box Canyon Trail

Box Canyon Hike Saturday Afternoon

We even found Jesus!!!
Sorta what you hope for in a spiritual retreat :)

(See him standing on the right side of the cliff?)

Evening Light on Box Canyon Trail

After enjoying another beautiful sunset at Ghost Ranch, we settled into our Casa del Arroyo for some much needed rest from all the hiking!

Sunset on Box Canyon Trail
Look for Chimney Rock on Right Horizon)

If you loved these pics, stay tuned for the Ghost Ranch Finale: Sunday/Monday!